2014年3月26日 星期三


幾乎每天夜晚在關上燈之後,總是期待著第二天不要來臨,捲曲身體緊閉著雙眼在棉被裡試著逃開從天亮的時間帶來的苦痛,今天、昨天、前天、這個月、上個月、今年、去年、現在、過去、以後,關於想要得不到以及得到後卻又失去之類的生活瑣事。Alex Turner的這張Submarine是常常會拿聽出來的一張原聲帶,尤其是在夜晚,旋律也是經常浮現在腦海裡。愛情就像是生活中的嗎啡,讓人暫時忘記生活中的不愉快,但也必須承擔服用的後果,一旦上癮之後想戒掉當然也很難。本來只是想借用"Hiding Tonight"這首歌名寫些在夜晚躲藏不想要有明天的心情,邊聽邊寫著就變成愛情收尾,當然這首歌這張原聲帶這部電影都是關於愛情的。

"Hiding Tonight"

Tomorrow I'll be quicker
I'll stare into the strobe light flicker
And afloat I'll stay
But I'm quite alright hiding today

Tomorrow I'll be faster
I'll catch what I've been chasing after
And have time to play
But I'm quite alright hiding today

And I will play the coconut shy
And win a prize even if it's rigged
I won't know when to stop
And you can leave off my lid, and I won't even lose my fizz
I'll be the polka dots type
I'll know the way back, if you know the way
But if you are, I am quite alright, hiding today

Tomorrow I'll be stronger, running colorful
No longer just in black and white
And I'm quite alright hiding tonight

And I will have a game on the coconut shy
And win a prize even if it's rigged
I won't know when to stop
And you can leave off my lid, and I won't even lose my fizz
I'll be the polka dots type

I'll probably swim through a few lagoons
I'll have a spring in my step
And I'll get there soon
To sing you a happy tune, tomorrow

And you better bring a change of clothes
So we can sail our laughing pianos along a beam of light
But I'm quite alright
Hiding tonight

2014年3月1日 星期六

Love, love, love


Light reflects from your shadow
It is more than I thought could exist
You move through the room
Like breathing was easy
If someone believed me

They would be
As in love with you as I am
They would be
As in love with you as I am
They would be
As in love with you as I am
They would be
In love, love, love

And everyday
I'm learning about you
The things that no one else sees
And the end comes too soon
Like dreaming of angels

And leaving without them
And leaving without them

As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

And with words unspoken
A silent devotion
I know you know what I mean
And the end is unknown
But I think I'm ready
As long as you're with me

As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love with you as I am
As in love, love, love

2014年1月28日 星期二

You Can't Handle the Truth

The Truth 真理,Paul Pierce,Boston Celtics 1998 -2013的指標球員,今年轉往Brooklyn Nets後在1/27第一次回到Boston主場,由Boston Celtics製作的致敬影片。1998年Paul Pierce進NBA的第一年開始帶領Celtics從重建時期一路到2008奪冠,然後保持在東區強權間的競爭力,而這個冠軍也是Boston Celtics從1986年以來唯一一個NBA champion。在2013年季後因為球隊需要再次進入重建期的考量而被交易,但也絕對無法抹滅Paul Pierce對於Boston Celtics以及在Boston球迷間的地位。

從Micheal Jordan第一次在Chicago Bulls復出後開始看NBA,96梯、97梯、98梯的選秀球員在2000年後的全盛時期是我最常看NBA的時期,現在這批球員隨著年紀幾乎都已經退役,然而仍在球場上的Paul Pierce並不是個球風華麗、體能勁爆型的NBA球員,而是在球場上的精神相當令人尊敬,是我最喜歡的球員之一。

影片最後配樂是Arcade Fire的Wake Up。

2014年1月27日 星期一

Expecting To Fly

電影Daydream Nation裡最後一段的配樂,Emily Haines,cover by Neil Young

"Expecting To Fly"

There you stood
on the edge of your feather,
Expecting to fly.
While I laughed,
I wondered whether
I could wave goodbye,
Knowin' that you'd gone.
By the summer it was healing,
We had said goodbye.
All the years
we'd spent with feeling
Ended with a cry,
Babe, ended with a cry,
Babe, ended with a cry.

I tried so hard to stand
As I stumbled
and fell to the ground.
So hard to laugh as I fumbled
And reached for the love I found,
Knowin' it was gone.
If I never lived without you,
Now you know I'd die.
If I never said I loved you,
Now you know I'd try,
Babe, now you know I'd try.
Babe, now you know I'd try,

2014年1月19日 星期日





